Saturday, August 31, 2013

Summer Is Over.

Summer is over.

I can tell because I am at our traditional end of summer celebration - a Girl Scout recruitment event held at our local water park just before it closes.

Really, summer ended a couple of weeks ago with the official first day of school, but so far the girls are enjoying school, so the magic spell of summer has lingered.

It has been a busy summer, and my blog list is littered with barely-started posts that have been accumulating all summer. For instance, I spent two weeks at camp this year. I wanted to post about how different youth camp was from kids camp - and how old I felt as a sponsor. And invisible. It is good training, I suppose, for when I all the sudden become incredibly stupid and invisible to my own budding teenagers.

I started a post about the new ropes course at kids camp, and how cool the new zip line is, complete with video I had taken as I zipped down the line. Yes, that would have been an amazing post, if I hadn't accidentally hit the stop button on the video camera as pushed off the tower.

Pretty soon the inertia of not posting takes over, and it just gets harder to start one, much less finish it. Was anything significant enough this summer to go back and describe? When I think about how busy our summer was, it seems like there should be a lot to talk about, and yet my thoughts, just like this summer,  are fleeting, and now poof. . .

They are gone.

If I ever manage to catch one, I'll let you know.  In the meantime, it's back to school!

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