Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another Year Ends. . .

Well, I spent the last day of 2008 where a lot of people do. . . The optometrist. It's a use it or lose it benefit, and I didn't want to lose it. When I asked Jerry to get me the benefit information so I could go and get new glasses, the company HR department had already changed all the information on their intranet to the 2009 provider. They are a little too on the ball - I need to know who I'm insured with today! I, on the other hand, am not so on the ball.

I don't know if you recall, but every year I make ten New Year's Resolutions. This evening I sat down to evaluate my progress on my resolutions. Let's just say that in this aspect only, it was a slow year. Of course, I have plenty of excuses - moving, surgery, etc. . . but all in all, it was not a resolution accomplishment-rich year. I did finish the Christmas stocking, and I don't have another in the queue, so I can move on to another unfinished project. I also did finish my Grandmother's scrapbook - although this is the least I've scrapbooked in five years. I didn't do a good job of tracking this year, but I only recorded getting a bit over 150 pages done - nowhere near the 365 I had resolved to do. Still, we did make significant progress - finding a house and a church home - so I can't complain. I just sat down and made 10 new resolutions for the new year. I won't give away all the details, but I did not resolve to do a certain number of pages, only to get caught up and to do Maggie's first 17 months in the scrapbooks (although that may end up being more than 365!) And, if I keep up my resolutions, some of you will be getting notes in the actual mail! Woo-hoo!

To cap off my year, I went back and read the blog for the last twelve months - and I must admit again to how much I like blogging. It fits with my "realist scrapbooker" personality - telling it like it is instead of trying to make everything pretty. Anyway - I will continue to tell it like it is around here, and hopefully, someone out there on the information highway is reading along!

Much Love!

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