"Survive Graduate School."
or, the ever popular:
"Become a certified teacher."
But now I've achieved both of those goals, so it's time to get back to those more mundane resolutions. Traditionally I make ten, and see how I do. Some years it's better than others. I try to make a good balance of resolutions - some that are fun, and some that are challenging. There have been ones that I thought were fun, and would be o-so-easy to keep, like, "Get a pedicure once a quarter" in 2007. I did manage to get one, but man, I thought that would be an easy one, and I just never made the time.
I always try to make my resolutions "SMART" goals that I heard so much about in the corporate world. You know, Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Time-bound, so you know without question if you actually achieved it or not. Lots of these I've missed the mark on, but still they improved my life, such as "Try a new recipe a week". While I didn't try one every week, I did manage 19 of them over the year, which was (arguably) an improvement over zero.
I have one resolution that I make year after year, and that is to do 365 scrapbook pages - one a day, theoretically, although it never happens that way. I did manage to hit the goal once, in 2006, but usually I did between 150 to 280 on the years I didn't make the full amount. It makes an appearance on my list again this year - and I'm determined to get to 365 as my backlog is now four years deep. So far, I've done one page. But I do have a weekend crop coming up!
This year's list of resolutions has some repeats, like my scrapbook page goal, but some new ones too. For the first time I have resolved to read the entire Bible in a year. I've played with the idea before, but I usually get bogged down in the building of the tabernacle or some long genealogy or something. This time I'm going with a plan on YouVersion that organizes the Bible chronologically. So far I've made it through creation and Job. I'd never made it through Job before, but now that I've been a mom for 13 years, 40 chapters of whining isn't as hard as it used to be, (ha, ha).
What else made the list? Oh, you can bet there's at least one each about improving my health, reading, encouraging family members, and serving others. One thing I've noticed though, is that some of my resolutions conflict with each other. For instance, I got a FitBit for Christmas, so one of my goals is to move a certain number of steps on a weekly basis. Obviously, to do that, I can't sit still for long periods of time. As of yet, I haven't figured out a way to scrapbook while on the move, but there's still plenty of the year left, I suppose. In the meantime, I'm perfecting reading and walking at the same time. It would probably be easier with a treadmill, but I don't see that happening either. Hey! Maybe a treadmill with a craft table built across the handlebars. . . I could train for a marathon while I scrap! Who's with me?
So, what are your resolutions?
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